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One Secure App,
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Phone calls can be tapped very easily; SMS can be intercepted without much effort. SecuSUITE is end-to-end encrypted mobile communication, certified and verified in contrast to apps such as Signal, WhatsApp and Messenger. Stay safe with the same technology governments and defence utilize.

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SecuSuiteApp Dial.PNG

Onboarding is fast and easy

Simple Plans

SecuSUITE is available as SaaS in the Nordics. It can also be on-prem.

External Users

Easily invite clients and collaborators to the service.

Certified & Verified

SecuSUITE is used by more than 20 governments and NATO. It is Common Criteria certified with FIPS 140-2 by NIST.


Mobile phones and tablets are involved in more than 50% of data breaches.

"There is always a risk that others may read or listen to messages, phone calls, and video calls. Be aware of the network (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G) you are connected to. Preferably, use 5G. Mobile security is the responsibility of the mobile network operator. Therefore, NSM recommends that you (especially when abroad) should use voice and messaging services that apply encryption to reduce the risk of interception and manipulation." - The Norwegian National Security Authority (NSM)

NIS-2 tools to backup compliance, reports and documentation

CAYES is hosting SecuSUITE in the Nordics, so that any business easily can use the encryption service. All it takes is to download an app. This ensures no listening options, even for Sys-Admin´s and it is the responsible alternative to free apps such as Signal.

Our solution is an easy way to become NIS-2 compliant.

book a call with us

We have made professional encrypted mobile easy. Book a short introduction call and get set up today. 

base station network illustration

Protection from mobile phone surveillance and hacking with NATO-standards

Private companies can now protect their employees' sensitive calls, domestic and foreign with the same technology governments and defence utilizes. We consult on mobile security, analyze your organization and provide MDM and end-point mobile encryption at a competitive cost. The responsible alternative to encrypted communication apps such as Signal. 

False base station 

Endpoint encryption is the safest way to mitigate a false base station (IMSI Catcher). We offer MDM with sophisticated MDT (Mobile Threat Detection) such as secuSUITE for government. 

Domestic Hosting in the Nordics

We are hosting our Cloud SaaS in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark respectivly, so that no form of data leaves your border and juristiction. 

On Prem or SaaS

For total control of your  communication, our experts can install servers on your organizations premises. 

Convenience and Compliance

Manage your organisations users and subscriptions without involving a 3rd party. Easy for EU compliance and privacy regulations. 

logo of BlackBerry Secusmart

SecuSUITE for Government ensures secure mobile voice communication for Android and iOS

In today's advanced technological era, communication channels are under constant threat from cyber threats. These adversaries have identified voice communication as the weakest link in mobile devices. If you use your smartphone or participate in conference calls to share confidential information, it is crucial to ensure that your conversations are not being intercepted. To address this concern, BlackBerry has developed SecuSUITE® for Government.


This solution provides workers with a certified encrypted voice and text service that eliminates the vulnerability of voice communication. SecuSUITE® for Government is compatible with both iOS® and Android™ platforms, ensuring fast and secure call connections with excellent voice quality. The staff can communicate confidentially over voice and text, regardless of their location or carrier, whether at home or internationally, where the risk of interception is substantially higher.

SecuSUITE can be delivered as both SecuSUITE as a Service and as On Premise. 

As simple as a normal phone call, SecuSUITE provides the highest security for everyone on the system. 

NIAP and Common-Criteria Certification 

SecuSUITE for Government is the only NIAP-certified secure voice solution. Certification is mutually recognized by 28 CCRA member states (including: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Germany, France, Italy, USA, Canada).


SecuSUITE for Government is approved by the CSfC program. The solution is designed to meet the requirements of the NSA’s Commercial Solutions for Classified program (CSfC).

Canada Secret

SecuSUITE for Government got Canada Governmental approval of Canada Secret under the SPfC Program – successfully completed Technical Proof-of-Service (T-PoS) with Shared Services Canada (SSC).


From any mobile or landline, to our server and to then encrypted to any SecuSUITE enabled device.


From a SecuSUITE enabled mobile device to the our server, fully encrypted - to a external mobile or landlines via PSTN extension.

Mobile to Mobile encryption

Between SecuSUITE-enabled mobile devices, the line is fully encrypted and secure.

Group Messaging

For multiple participants on SecuSUITE enabled devices. 

Cellular communication can be intercepted in several ways, endpoint encryption is the best way to mitigate this. Common methods include;

Signal interception: Cellular communication is transmitted over radio waves, which can be intercepted using specialized equipment. Attackers can intercept the radio signals between a mobile device and a cell tower, allowing them to collect call data, text messages, and other cellular data.


IMSI catchers: As described earlier, IMSI catchers are devices that intercept cellular signals by posing as a legitimate cell tower. Mobile devices will connect to the IMSI catcher instead of the legitimate tower, allowing the attacker to collect call data, text messages, and other cellular data.

Malicious App: spyware or a virus, can be installed on a mobile device hiding inside an App to intercept cellular data. Once installed, the malware can collect call data, text messages, and other cellular data transmitted through the phone.  The SecuSUITE App senses if other Apps are using the microphone on the mobile so that it can be stopped.  


Signalling System 7 (SS7) attacks: SS7 attacks involve exploiting vulnerabilities in the SS7 protocol to intercept text messages, phone calls, and other cellular data. The attacker needs to gain access to the SS7 network, which can be done through various means, such as compromising a telecommunications service provider's infrastructure or using social engineering techniques.

Wi-Fi interception: If a mobile device is connected to a Wi-Fi network, attackers can intercept cellular data by intercepting the Wi-Fi traffic. This technique requires the attacker to be in close proximity to the Wi-Fi network and may require the attacker to have access to the Wi-Fi network.​

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